Tips for Staying off Facebook
2 min readAug 4, 2018
It has been more than two years since I left Facebook. In the start it was hard but now, especially after graduating from college, most of the time I don’t even remember that Facebook is a thing and it is an important part of many people’s life. Here tips which helped me:
- Let your friends know that you are not on Facebook anymore. How else would they know? Tell them it is not about them, tell them you want to remain friends and stay in touch. Given them your phone number and email, and be friends and stay in touch (if you want to).
- Not being on Facebook does not mean you don’t have to be social. Go out and meet people. It can mean simply going for a walk if you live in a small cozy campus like I did, or it can be going to events, parties or meetups, whatever works for you. Also meeting people this way is more fun than seeing their holiday pictures on Facebook.
- Develop and maintain alternate means of contact. Facebook is also a social directory which is often used to contact distant acquaintances when needed, instead you can ask people their phone numbers when you meet them, follow them on twitter or take their email if they are of the email type. It works most of the time.
- Ask friends for help when in need of Facebook. Though there are times when you do need Facebook, in those cases you can take a friend’s help. For example, I had asked my friends to pass on information from the department Facebook group where information about assignments and classes were discussed and my friends used to pass me the information [Thank you folks]. Things were delayed sometimes, annoyingly, but I don’t think I have ever missed out on anything important.