This is the time we stop Facebook, this is the we use Facebook’s power abuse to get support for FreeBasics to launch a mass campaign against Facebook.
This is not the first time Facebook has gone rogue and this is definitely not the last. I’ve been hearing arguments like “Facebook is privacy threat” etc but never gave them a serious thought. But things got overboard when I discovered that Facebook is blocking any mentions of an alternative social network, on any of its services. I learned more about the issue and realized.
Facebook is not only the new TV and the newspaper and but it is also the new Town Hall and the cafeterias. Facebook is now dominating both the public and private spaces of our lives on internet. This company which controls so much is fundamentally “evil”.
It should be clear by now that we cannot launch an effective campaign against Facebook using Facebook. It can block your posts, delete your posts, block your account, artificially suppress your posts and what not citing all sorts of reasons from spam to trademark violation to simply a bug. In the worst cases you won’t even know that Facebook has done something wrong. The strongest signal you can give to your friends and family is by deleting Facebook and communicating why you did it.
Amod Malviya: I suggest that you to encourage Flipkart to delete their Facebook page in protest, it will send a strong signal that power abuse by Facebook is not acceptable.
Those of us who are lawyers and who have contacts in Legal firms should attack Facebook from the legal front by filing lawsuits and Public Interest Litigation. In Europe people have been fighting for their rights we should too. There is the “Europe vs Facebook” law suit which is fighting Facebook to protect people’s privacy. Another recent legislation by Belgian court which stopped Facebook from tracking non-facebook users.