Blogging about Copyright
I’m taking a course on Copyright Law this semester. I’m not a lawyer and my major is in Mathematics and Computing. I’m fortunate enough to have a law school at my university and a sufficiently flexible curriculum I’m taking this course because I want to make sure Internet grow up to become a balanced person.
Law, not solely, but inevitably plays a role in the fate of almost everything. The laws we currently have weren’t really made for the internet and the interaction to these old world laws and the new age netizens haven’t always been good. I’m talking this course so that I can understand the system that is in place and then ultimately change it.
I’m gonna blog about everything I’m learning in the class, for two reasons, first to share the understanding you people and then to share the understanding with my future self. The notes I’ve taken in the class are pretty much like bread crumbs and won’t be particularly useful to anyone after some time. I’m already midway through the semester but I hope it isn’t too late to blog about it.